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The Elm Grove Primary School Governing Body consists of 12 members. 

The Governing body holds monthly meetings and operates without a committee structure. 

Chair of Governors


Dr Katherine Hamilton (Co-opted Governor)

Email address: khamilton@elmgrove.org.uk

Vice Chair of Governors   

Mr Steve Hayes (Local Authority Governor) 
Other Governors

Mrs Lynsey Udell (Head Teacher)











Ms Sarah Chitty  (Co-opted Governor)

Ms Lydia Jackson (Co-opted Governor)

Mrs Rebecca Thomas (Co-opted Governor)

Ms Jody Aked  (Parent Governor)

Mr Nick Hatton (Parent Governor)

Mr Lee Timmins (Parent Governor)  

Mr Nik Patterson (Parent Governor)

Parent Governor Vacancy

 Mrs Jodie Robinson (Staff Governor)
The Clerk to Governors

Mrs Una Grace

The Elm Grove Primary School Governing Body have the following responsibilities :

  • clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of the staff;
  • over-seeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

The Governing Body undertake monthly Full Governing Body Meetings (minimum of 9 per academic year).



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