Assessment : Assessing without Levels
How do we assess at Elm Grove?
As you may or may not be aware, in September 2014 we saw the introduction of the new primary National Curriculum and with this came an even bigger change; the way children are assessed in school. The government decided to remove levels (e.g. 1C, 1B, 1A, 2C, 2B, 2A, etc) and introduced sets of expectations for each year group for Key Stage 1 and 2. This means that the children will all be assessed throughout the year against the sets of expectations for their year group. Reception assessments will remain the same as they have done in previous years and children are assessed against the 'Early Learning Goals'. More information about the 'Early Learning Goals' can be found on our 'Curriculum Provision' page under 'Key Information'
So, what does this mean for class teachers on a day to day basis and for you as parents/carers?
Class teachers will continue to assess the children regularly throughout the year and will record this against the set of expectations for their year group or the 'Early Learning Goals'. Each subject, or aspect of learning in Reception, clearly outlines what children have to be able to do independently in order for them to ‘meet’ the expected standards for their year group. These can also be found on our 'Curriculum Provision' page under 'Key Information'.
At different points in the year, the class teacher’s colour code each statement;
- White (either the statement has not yet been covered or your child has not shown evidence of being able to do it);
- Red (your child is working towards the statement);
- Blue (your child has achieved the statement and are able to do it independently and across a range of subjects).
We can then produce what is known as a ‘Gap Analysis’ and this is shared with parents throughout the year and it forms part of your child’s end of year annual report. It clearly identifies what your child can do and their next steps.
At the end of the school year, class teacher's will give each child an overall statement for each subject to say whether they have ‘met’ the year group expectations, are ‘working below’ the year group expectations or have ‘met and are able to apply, expand and embed’ the skills.
Reporting to Parents
Parents are kept up to date about their child's well being and progress on an informal basis thoughout the year.
We also hold parent consulation meetings throughout the year where parents are invited to come and speak to their child's class teacher about their progress and look at their child's work.