PE and Sports Premium Funding
The PE and Sport Premium is an initiative in the United Kingdom aimed at improving the provision of physical education (PE), school sport and physical activity (PESSPA) in primary schools. It was introduced in 2013 by the Department for Education as part of a broader effort to promote healthy and active lifestyles among young people.
Essentially, it is additional funding allocated to primary schools, and is typically based on the number of pupils in the school. The primary objective of the Sport Premium is to enhance the quality and quantity of PE and sport provision, with the ultimate goal of improving the physical fitness, health, and wellbeing of primary school children.
Primary schools have the freedom to decide how to use the funding to best meet the needs of their pupils. However, they must use it to fund additional areas, not for the minimum requirements of the national curriculum.
The government states schools must use the PE and Sport Premium to:
- build capacity and capability in the school and make sure that improvements made to the quality of PE, sport and physical activity provision now are sustainable and will benefit pupils joining the school in future;
- develop or add to the PE, sport and physical activity that the school provides.
It is important that schools make the most effective use of the premium. The government state that, to best achieve this, spending should focus on making improvements in 5 key areas:
- Increasing confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sporting activities;
- Increasing engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity and sporting activities;
- Raising the profile of PE and sport across the school, to support whole school improvement;
- Offer a broader and more equal experience of a range of sports and physical activities to all pupils;
- Increasing participation in competitive sport.
By 31st July each year, schools are required to publish how the funding has been spent and what the impact of this spending has been. Included within this report is the percentage of pupils in their Year 6 cohort who have met the national curriculum swimming requirements. Our report can be found at the bottom of this page.
More information about the PE and Sport Premium can be found by clicking on this link: